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How to become the change we seek

Empathy is the ability to be present with yourself and/or with another person, no matter what their state is, embracing that what is. Accepting it and embracing it, that is, making it part of your reality.

Empathy does not seem to be a natural or an inborn capacity. It needs to be developed and practiced.

People who are afraid of vulnerability, emotional openness, emotional connection have a hard time being empathic, therefore they do not perceive the world as it is but to a limited capacity.

They appear to be aloof, brutal or completely lost when emotions are implied.

They would rather throw away vulnerability. They would prefer to kill it, shot it, put it in a black box and throw it under the sea.

As they do, just look outside, look at the way people are treating each other.

"When we hear another person's feelings and needs, we recognize our common humanity"

Through empathy, that is the way we can bring in the world the change we are seeking.

Failing to do so, refusing to heal our minds and hearts, we will disappear without ever having shared, felt and grown -in a human sense.


The awakened family by Shefali Tsabary Ph.D

A return to Love by Marianne Williamson

Nonviolent communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD


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